Our fascinating and smooth Big Red Robe Oolong and Golden Beautiful Eyebrow are from the Wuyi Mountains, a wonderful area in Fujian region, China.

These mountains seem completely isolated from the outside world by streams and ravines. They are often called the "#1 scenic wonder in Southeast China".

The boulders took their name after a Chinese legend which says an 800 year-old man called Peng Zu came to live in Chong'an, a region invaded by floods, and people suffered from it. This man had two sons, Wu and Yi who offered their help to dredge the waterways and finally conquered the floods.  

To remember the Peng brothers, the mountain was named Wuji Mountain, and a palace was built in their memory.
Today, tourists can travel down the river on bamboo raft excursions.

The Wuyi Mountains are located in the North of Fujian (see the upper blue square)

The Wuyi Mountains are located in the North of Fujian (see the upper blue square)


Fujian is also the same region from where we get our beautiful white teas.

The Wuyi Mountain area has a pleasant climate with plenty of rainfall and moderate temperatures.

Because of the many rare animals and plants that are found here, the area has been designated by the State as a special nature preserve. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its environment and culture. 

The mountain is richly endowed with wonderful, elegant and ancient scenic spots, including 36 peaks, 99 rocks, the Nine-Bend River, the Taoyuan Cave, and many other interesting things including cliff carving from all the dynasties through history and palaces.

Of all these, the Nine-Bend River is regarded as the soul of the Wuyi Mountain, winding for more than 35 miles, including 6 miles through the scenic area.


Wuyi Rock Tea enjoys a long history. Being one of the top teas in China, it is also the forefather of Oolong tea. It was largely responsible for the tea development in China. During the North and South Dynasty (about 479 A.D) the tea had already been well-known. In Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), tea makers improved the tea-processing techniques, thus producing the oolong tea, which is the current Rock Tea. In the 17th century, Wuyi Tea was even sold abroad and enjoyed an even greater reputation.

The region is specialized in Black, Oolong and Green teas. Among the Oolongs, the Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) is particularly famous for its smoothness and uniqueness. The Wuyi Rock Tea is also noted for its high quality, due to its natural environment of green mountains and clear waters, as well as its particular production techniques. That means that when we drink the tea we will be able to feel a lingering fragrance in our mouth (also because the elevation makes the tea so much better because of the dew).

Sources: China Guide
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